Monday, April 6, 2009

Antwerp's Central Train Station Serves As Biggest Musical Stage Ever

How cool is this? The people behind this, the people who witnessed it, created an artistic experience which no one will ever forget . . . Be sure to click on the HD selector:


  1. How do you make a comment about something as magnificently inspiring that acts as a reminder of not only the simpler things in my much earlier childhood, but of the magic that music has the ability to bring out in the human spririt beyond WOW!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is the most fantastic thing I have ever seen.It brought back wonderful memories.Wish we had more like this to watch.
    Satch&Candi Joyner

  4. That was pretty funny, especially when it went all house-music style.

    I wonder how/if they managed to keep it a secret before hte actual performance. I'd imagine with that many participants, it would get leaked.

    I also wonder how they rehearsed the stairs scene with the kids. They must have rehearsed in the actual space for that part, I think. Well, maybe not. They might have mapped it out so that the kids know what they were doing as soon as they arrived.

  5. PRIMA!!! dat waz echt goed! loved it!

  6. Does anyone know the story behind this?


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