Saturday, November 7, 2009

One Unihibited Dancer Starts A Huge Hillside Dance Party

I work in a country bar with a large dancefloor. There's a local Japanese sushi chef I've known for years as "The Pussyman" who hasn't a care in the world for what others may think about his dancing or singing prowess.

When Pussyman walks into our bar with his iPod (and sometimes acoustic guitar), our entire staff passes the word to one another and we all rush up to hug him. And the reason is he's so damn lovable. He always starts a party with his devil may care attitude to dancing and singing.

While a country band is playing say Gary Allan, Pussyman is on the dancefloor, iPod earbuds in, listening to "Linky Park" and singing along with what is in his ears. But at the same time, his feet are moving to the bassline and kick drum of our country band. Needless to say, his unorthodox approach to singing, and especially dancing, is something which can light a fire to group laughter and partying.

Invariably, Pussyman is usually alone on the dancefloor . . . but . . . after a few minutes or so . . . tourists who've been smiling and laughing at him run out to the dancefloor and begin to revel in his happiness. I've seen him enter a dancefloor alone and within one song, the dancefloor is packed with people who moments earlier were too shy or intimidated to even think about cutting loose in Key West.

What you are about to see is something akin to the magic of "The Pussyman". In this video, one lone uninhibited very white guy in cutoff shorts begins to dance with unabandoned fever on a grassy hillside at the Sasquatch Festival. Then another festival goer joins him. Then another. Wait until the end of this video to see how The Power of One can work in mysterious and jubilant ways in prodding a mass of people to forget their inhibitions.

This is one of my favorite videos of this year. It's inspiring!

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